
  1. Noob from Liverpool here

    Hi like that title says I'm from Liverpool and looking to apply for a firearms certificate and to apply to my local gun club, I stumbled across this site through google. When I get it I want my first rifle to be a Lee Enfield no.4 Pleased to meet you all
  2. first time stalking need some tips!

    HI guys, I'm about to apply for my FAC and have booked a few days stalking with a company called "deer work" in east sussex. I'm going out wednesday evening and thursday morning stalking and just wondered if you guys had any tips for me on anything really. any help taken on board, i do have...
  3. Fox Shooting Tips

    Hi guys... Im new to this forum and im looking for tips on fox shooting during the day in a woodland area. Im a keen deer stalker and ive noticed that a few deer gralloch's ive buried have been dug up by foxes. One of the foxes was unfortunate enough to walk out in front of me when i was up...