
  1. Any experience with Gateway1 Boots?

    Hey community, looking to replace a pair of well worn and now leaking wellies... currently looking at the market and between Gateway1, and Le Chameau. Leaning towards Gateway1 Pheasant Game (Gateway1 Pheasant Game 18" 5mm Side-Zip Wellingtons) based purely on price at the moment and the fact...
  2. Harkila kit and retailer customer service

    Hello all. This is not a rant, but just to keep everyone informed. I have had a failry negative expereice with three pairs of Harkila wellies. I wear wellingtons on a daily basis as home and last June I decided to buy some wellies with better support and warmth and grip than what I have had...
  3. Arxus wellingtons

    I visited the British Sooting Show at the weekend (very good it was too) and looked at the Arxus boots, because my old Aigle leather lined pair have no given up the ghost after around 12 years.I was impressed by the look and feel of the Arxus products. Question is, has anyone on here got first...
  4. What wellies?

    I know we have trodden this path before, what are the best (durable) comfortable wellies, that don't pinhole at the sight of a thorn or crack around the bend of the foot etc and last more than a year! Looking up to around £70 ish, never mind what I choose they all give up within a year. Wife...