Credelio Plus


Well-Known Member
Morning all, just wondering if anyone is using or knows about Credelio Plus combined wormer and flea/tick/mite tablet for dogs?

Vet recommends it for my newest addition and gave her first dose when she went for second jabs. Just wondering if it's a good product to continue using routinely.

Thankfully we don't have a big problem with ticks around here and I seldom treat my other dogs, but when I do I've always used spot-on type treatments which A. One of the dogs absolutely hates and B. is supposed to be awful for the environment.

I understand Credelio is also preventative against worms as well? Whereas other wormers just treat whatever may be present at that time? Is that right?
I have been using it for two years on my Springer, excellent product with no side effects, it also acts on intestinal worms and heart and lung filaria. if you decide to use it it is best to give it with food, it is metabolised in a higher percentage
To save money, take the tablet for large animals and divide it in two, logically always based on the weight of your dog, mine weighs around 14 kg in the summer and I spend several months with a 22/45 kg one.
administer every 30/35 days
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Sadly, this product too is a isoxaline-based product like Bravecto which I’m convinced gave rise to fitting in our 6th Vizsla and, having read up on the FDA/US reports, I swore I will never give again to any of our dogs. I’m struggling to identify an effective product that doesn’t contain these chemicals- any suggestions guys?

Sadly, this product too is a isoxaline-based product like Bravecto which I’m convinced gave rise to fitting in our 6th Vizsla and, having read up on the FDA/US reports, I swore I will never give again to any of our dogs. I’m struggling to identify an effective product that doesn’t contain these chemicals- any suggestions guys?

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That's a shame. Like everything, I'm sure for every horror story there are countless happy users without side-effects, but I can totally understand why you no longer trust it. I'd be guilt-ridden if I thought I'd done harm to one of my dogs...
Interesting that Nexgard is on the list as part of the isoxazoline class - when I got our lab, I asked the vet about it as I'd seen a few threads on here about Bravecto and fitting. Nexgard was reccomended! Gotta love a bit of branding! :lol:

To be fair, we've had no issues and it does work against ticks (which we have a lot of).
Credelio works. And, not taking anything away from individual sad cases, the isoxazolines have been used in many thousands of doses with very few side effects. Yes, there is a warning about epilepsy on the data sheet, but that's not the same as causing it.

Your vet might be recommending it rather than the spot on products as there is increasing evidence they are creating problems in rivers with invertebrates and you can at least poo pick. What happens in landfill however, isn't known. I'd talk to your vet about relative risks, ticks - not a problem really, dogs don't get Lyme in the UK. round worm - use panacur while a puppy, once an adult it's not an issue. Fleas - monitor your pet and treat if you have to.

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