driven shoot

  1. Shooting Pheasant Documentary

    Pheasant hunting is a British tradition which was most likely introduced by the Normans in the 11th century. Today, shooting game birds is an annual tradition which happens every autumn all across Britain. Sound & Colour Films is currently working on a documentary which explores the culture of...
  2. Introduction & Shooting Pheasant Interest

    Hello, My name is Gabriel and I am interested in the world of game bird shooting. I hope I am following the rules here for this post as I am not here to sell or trade items, or offer any services. I joined primarily because I want to meet people in the shooting community. I understand...
  3. Wanted: Game & Stalking Syndicates West Mids

    Can anyone provide any info or point me in the right direction for both a Game Shooting Syndicate and a Stalking Syndicate in the West Midlands. Looking to join a shoot potentially with my girlfriend and looking for a Stalking Syndicate that isn’t over saturated and well managed.
  4. Making an introduction

    Hi there fellow shooters My name is Edward, I am based in South Yorkshire and I enjoy game shooting for wildfowl and birds - both driven and walked up. I have not been doing this for long but have had the pleasure of a few driven shoots I shoot with 12 gauge and 20 gauge, don't yet own my own...