fallow bucks

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    My big fallow for the year
  2. How Fat are your Fallow?....

    So after 2wks of hanging today I butchered my 1st palmated buck. He was a good animal to take. Big boy but getting on a bit & would've only been going back. He would’ve had definitely done his fair share of breeding. He only had 4x very ground teeth left but just look at the fat on the Caracas...
  3. Fencing problem for deer (Again)

    Anyone else got photo’s to share of this problem? All that mess is electric sheep netting, I mostly have to cull deer when they are in this state but this animal is so stressed the meat would not be good. The problem is that sheep farmers take the sheep off when the grass is low and bring them...
  4. Fallow Buck Stands

    Hi, Just curious if anyone else has noticed yet. I was out walking about last night in one of my permissions woods and im pretty sure i saw what was the start of a buck stand. Thought this would have been a we touch early yet, given the ime of year and the heat, granted there has been a few...
  5. First Fallow of the Season

    Hi Gents, Had a bit of luck yesterday. Was out stalking with my dad as we do must Saturday mornings once the season comes in. Started off a bit down beaten. Serious mist everywhere showing no real signs of lifting. Still carried on, kept ourselves out of wind where we suspected the deer to...
  6. Fallow Bucks

    Looked out the window to see a couple of Fallow bucks squaring up to each other. They've put a rutting stand right in view of the kitchen window. Good show!
  7. First Deer of the year but with a Jeep!

    Well this was not what i expected for my first post! At 6.55am on sunday morning, i was on my way up the A3400 to Chipping Norton to pick up a mate to go stalking. While passing the first Glympton turn a Fallow Pricket ran out in front of me and the Jeep took the full impact! :shock: So the...
  8. GAP 180 - Hertfordshire- Fallow cull

    Thanks to Paul & Alan and the rest of the lads at GAP 180 in Hertfordshire for a couple of entertaining stalks. Joined the Icelanders who were over for a weeks culling- good bunch of blokes. Managed to bag myself a nice fallow buck one evening as night fell, which is now with the taxidermist...