
  1. Sold: Tre Spade Youngs Mincer £140

    Personal sale S/H Tre Spade Youngs Mincer Such as seen on Bushwears website (RRP £210 plus post) Clean and boxed ready to go. Good for sausage mincing, burger mincing or just general mince for bolognese or pies. £140 posted
  2. Abscess - Roe

    Hi all, looking for a bit of advice. Background: I took out a roe buck last night, one that i have been watching for the past couple of weeks. It has had a fairly mucky back end for this period - something I sometimes see and rightly or wrongly associate with the new green growth in spring...
  3. Wanted - deer carcass South Wales - Port Talbot

    Hi all, I’m a hobby stalker and normally get enough venison to keep me and my familiar in red meat throughout the year. I find myself however running extremely low on meat now due to covid restrictions :( only a few tubes of mince and a couple bone in joints :( anyone in the area still shooting...
  4. Newby looking to buy meat in Southwest/Bristol/Bath area

    Hello, just accidentaly found this forum on my search for Game meat. Just quickly about me, I am a 36 old Bavarian living in Bristol for the last 10 years. My Grandfather, and Uncles are all Gamekeepers/hunters working all their life for the Bavarian Ministry of Forestry . So in my family, we...