
  1. First Roe Doe of the season: 45-70

    First Roe doe of the season: Took the Cyber-punk 45-70 Marlin GSBL and grassed a tasty deer (and a fox for good measure.) First sight of the Roe (in the triangle of green, across the small valley.): Need to get closer: Stalked in to 75m: Watched this male while I waited for a chance...
  2. Essex FAC licensing

    Hi all, Not sure if this is the right place to post the question but here it goes and thanks in advance for any info. While on my first deerstalk, the stalker was surprised that I didn't have my own rifle/FAC so that I could practice shooting from sticks as this was the first time I had done...
  3. Proper Inro

    Hi, here's my intro :) I am relatively new to stalking but I have hunted small game (rabbit, fox etc) from a teenager. I have taken my DSC1 and waiting on the result. I've used a number of different calibres (12G, 9mm, .22) and want to get my own .308 for stalking Based in Tyrone
  4. First Fallow, the one that got away, and first Red Stag (by accident!)

    Very new to stalking, with only a couple of days stalking for Roe before this. I had set a goal this year to cover three species and do some woodland/hill to see the difference and try to learn. So this weekend just gone, was down in Devon, and without much luck on the first evening, I was up at...
  5. The cherry popper!

    So yesterday morning I finally got my first! After 3 stake outs in the high seat covering the field the farmer told me he regularly sees 9 roe in produced nothing both myself and my mate thought it was a lie! I had no deer! A glimpse sighting of some through a hedge on land I couldn’t shoot...
  6. Wanted: Stalking in Kent

    Good evening I will be working in the Edenbridge / Hever area for the foreseeable and keen to find some stalking to enjoy as the evenings stretch out and to relax whilst away from busy home life during the working week. The local pubs and Kent ale are great so keen to also stop a habit...
  7. Wanted: Muntjac stalking

    I would be interested in Muntjacs (stalking or high seats). We would be 2 hunters (one from France and one from Belgium). We are NOT looking for gold level trophies, but we are rather looking for a new experience (and a souvenir from that experience). We would be able to move to UK for a...
  8. Wanted: young lad willing to work anywhere in perthshire for FREE to gain experience

    hello all, i am looking for somewhere to help out on a shooting estate or deer forest, i have over 10 years shooting experience, and 4+ years experience as an underkeeper/stalker. i am struggling to find work, but willing to keep my hand in by helping out! anywhere in Perthshire, or UK wide if...