wildlife preservation

  1. Creating a deer haven in Wiltshire

    Hi everyone, Was hoping to get some advice and wisdom on this. I have 150 acres of land in Wiltshire that my family currently farm sheep on. In a few years time I am going to take over it and I want to turn it into a wildlife haven for the roe deer and muntis and also for the wider wildlife (we...
  2. I Want Your Opinion: How Effective is Deer Management in the UK?

    How effective do you think deer management is in the UK? I want to hear your thoughts. I am in my second year at Askham Bryan Agricultural College in York studying Countryside Management, 19 years old, carrying out a personal research project aimed at gauging the opinions on the effectiveness of...
  3. Infrared sensors avoid deer roadkill

    Hello all, We have an expérimentation in France / Isère for avoiding collision between cars and deers/wildboars on road. See the 2 links (In French) : Isère : Ces radars « anti-gibier » qui ont du succès Rhône-Alpes : les radars «anti-gibier», ça marche A traduction of one of the 2...