Condor thoughts?

Just looked. The choice is "warm" or "cold" under tone settings. Makes the image a bit more sepia like if warm is selected. A bit like LED light bulbs where you have the choice of warm or cool and warm is a bit yellowish.
No it only has red hot, meaning red target, white background. Like mentioned there is a fusion but its different to a proper red palette.
Thanks, thats a bugger, white/black hot are fine in the day but at night i find them too much, even messing with brightness, sepia is so much easier on the eye when you have the thing glued to it scanning.
I‘ll get a look through one.
Well having spoken to @Blackwood Outdoors regarding the early issues being sorted i bought the CQ35 as an upgrade to my Pulsar XQ38LRF.
And what an upgrade it is, the image quality and detail blows the Pulsar out of the water, ive been foxing on the golf course and then stalking muntjac yesterday, the difference is like night and day.
Its not just the image quality, its the other features, the auto shut off works a treat so when its hanging off the lanyard it shuts down so no lighting your bonce up and as soon as you move it back towards your eye its on again.
The LRF is instant! ive set it to 5 seconds so you get a bit more time to ping the quarry accurately, the default is 15seconds so thats not helping with battery life, sometimes it seemed like a lifetime for the Pulsar to read the distance and the Hik is far superior on this front.
Battery life, i got 3 hours before the LRF warning but i was hammering it messing with the settings and rangefinding everything lol, it carried on for another 30mins before i called it a night, the battery showed 25% when i stuck it on the charger so its probably good for another hour once the LRF is disabled.
Yesterday got 3 1/2 hours so its not too bad, i imagine this can be improved with some higher quality/capacity batteries.
The field of view at 2.0 is much more efficient than the 3.5 of the Pulsar, another plus.
In all i couldn’t be happier with my purchase, i’ll admit that i haven’t compared the Condor to others in the same price bracket but like i say it kills the Pulsar on everything, durability? well we will have to see but thats what warranties are for should there be an issue.
Hi, although it doesn't come with a lanyard, I have been using one and have attached it to the battery cover.
It absolutely hates being dangled from my neck and the shutter frequently freezes with a horrible diagonal blur across the screen.
The drill goes like this… spot fox, sort sticks out, lift thermal, $#**, long press on reset button, wonder where target is and hopefully find it again.
I've just fitted a camera adapter to it with a hole for drilled for a lanyard and the unit sits at a very different angle now. Hopefully this will cure the issue. So far so good, but not had a decent session yet.
It has always been very cold when it has played up a lot and I do wonder if it's an issue with the tolerances around the shutter being affected by the temperature.
Clarity remains fantastic otherwise and battery life is pretty good. I'm changing the battery maybe once on a typical session. Overall I love it, but please do mention this to Hik. This is the 3rd unit, before I found a keeper and the 2nd one went back for a shutter fault which was worse than this one.
Hi, although it doesn't come with a lanyard, I have been using one and have attached it to the battery cover.
It absolutely hates being dangled from my neck and the shutter frequently freezes with a horrible diagonal blur across the screen.
The drill goes like this… spot fox, sort sticks out, lift thermal, $#**, long press on reset button, wonder where target is and hopefully find it again.
I've just fitted a camera adapter to it with a hole for drilled for a lanyard and the unit sits at a very different angle now. Hopefully this will cure the issue. So far so good, but not had a decent session yet.
It has always been very cold when it has played up a lot and I do wonder if it's an issue with the tolerances around the shutter being affected by the temperature.
Clarity remains fantastic otherwise and battery life is pretty good. I'm changing the battery maybe once on a typical session. Overall I love it, but please do mention this to Hik. This is the 3rd unit, before I found a keeper and the 2nd one went back for a shutter fault which was worse than this one.
Please send me over your details and I will help you get it resolved.

Also a quick tip regarding the lanyard. Tape up the strap on the rear of the handstrap so the strap cannot pull through the clip and come loose, a piece of electrical tap wrapped twice will stop this pulling out. Then simply connect a single point neck strap to the rear plastic buckle and they unit will hang vertically and is much easier to handle and falls to hand easier....
As above, my strap kept coming off when lanyard attached, finally took it off and fitted a keyring instead, no problems now as objective lens cover fell off so don't need magnet to secure it. Also lost eyepiece rubber first time out, nothing left to fall off?

Having tried my best to destroy it, I love it, magnificent bit of kit now battery problem resolved.

Haven't managed to get a new eyepiece rubber so bought one off a Falcon which fits over diopter adjuster, you need to shave some off the side so it fits around battery cover but it then lets you fit an O ring in the original groove which secures it better than original.
As above, my strap kept coming off when lanyard attached, finally took it off and fitted a keyring instead, no problems now as objective lens cover fell off so don't need magnet to secure it. Also lost eyepiece rubber first time out, nothing left to fall off?

Having tried my best to destroy it, I love it, magnificent bit of kit now battery problem resolved.

Haven't managed to get a new eyepiece rubber so bought one off a Falcon which fits over diopter adjuster, you need to shave some off the side so it fits around battery cover but it then lets you fit an O ring in the original groove which secures it better than original.
Drop me a message with issues and your details.
First thing i did was take the hand strap off and fit my lanyard in the same way i fitted it to my previous Pulsar.
2x cable ties through the slot for the strap, job done.
Just an update on the performance, bloody brilliant……..
You would have thought when spending so much they would have put a lanyard attachment fitting. Also the lens cap looks like a after thought can't see it lasting long. Dangling on a bit of cord is guarantee to catch on a briar or fence wire or tangle with anything else. Why they couldn't fit one similar to the Pulsar is beyond me.
I mounted the lanyard off the tripod attachment point and was out until half three last night. The shutter never played up once. Perfect. The auto shut-off on the screen works better when hung from this angle too. No coming on and off when it wobbles around, which I found it was doing when I had it attached to the rear strap-fixing point. It was a little bit warmer, but still pretty chilly. Still not sure if this is a factor with the shutter. Changed batteries once, only because I thought it might drop a bar and I thought I was going to need the LRF. As it happened Charlie had me sky-lined rather nicely and took off at pace before coming into .22H range. No LRF required!
Picked off a few rabbits earlier, so had some shooting.
Very happy with it last night and no grumbles whatsoever.
I have the CQ50 and I am also having the same sort of niggles. Definitely going to try mounting the lanyard like above.
As for the lens cap, well that is absolutely crap! Mine point blank refuses to stay on if any movement is involved!
I have the CQ50 and I am also having the same sort of niggles. Definitely going to try mounting the lanyard like above.
As for the lens cap, well that is absolutely crap! Mine point blank refuses to stay on if any movement is involved!
Contact Elite Optical .

They know this is a design issue as the cap is to small to stay in under tension ,

They recently sorted this for new models going forward by making it a fraction bigger.

I contacted them and they sent me one out FOC .
Works fine now
Just ordered one of these and I'm now thinking I've made a bad choice. Not saying it's top end but not what you would expect for the money you are parting with.
Just ordered one of these and I'm now thinking I've made a bad choice. Not saying it's top end but not what you would expect for the money you are parting with.
You won’t regret it, picture is better than anything I’ve looked through including telos , the lens cap is terrible but stick a butler creek flip up on it and it’s fine. Now the battery issue is fixed I wouldn’t change it for anything else.
That's the point i am trying to make all singing very good thermal spoilt by complete disregard to how your going to carry it and protect the lens which is extremely costly. Pulsar lense cover is just perfect. Closes easily robust simple but effective. Hik please take note.