High Seat Plans or Suggestion.


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to put up a few seats on one of my permissions. I’m ideally thinking about trying to make something like a fully enclosed box seat and was just wondering if anybody had any plans I could work from or even just suggestions or links for where I could find some ideas for moving forward with?

Thanks in advance.

Before I just get on and do it, does anyone have a plans for metal high seats...ideally a double which can drop in to three section to go in the back of a pick up if I was being choosy?!

That said, anything will do and I will just go form there.

Indeed - and an excellent looking highseat! I'm thinking a slightly simpler lean to that I can break down in to three sections and put in the back of the Hilux to relocate. I'm looking at using the same box section though I think.