Lynx spotted in the highlands?


Well-Known Member
Supposedly, 2 lynx have been spotted near Kingussie. I wonder if it’s just the usual big domestic cat being mistaken for something else or if’s actually Lynx been “accidentally” released. A bit like the accidental reintroduction of beavers.
As they're under licence how did that happen?? There shouldn't be any spare.

Hope they run riot in the area plenty of geese and wildcats in the area to predate on.
They are a protected species!

While policy and law requires we consider releasing them under license, all that happens is procrastination. It's alas encouraging the do gooders to release them.

Look at Beavers lots of licensed fenced releases in England. When the licenses expire we can't kill them as they are protected. Yet if the license holders can't afford to repair/replace the fencing, DEFRA don't like that question.
Look at all the people who’ve been clamouring for the “rewilding” of the Highlands, now grizzling about the release of two lynxes. Can it be because they won’t earn any money off it?

Now there are illegal beavers and illegal lynxes in Scotland. What next?

maximus otter
Surely an investigation into the lawful ownership of registered lynx would identify missing animals oh wait, that would require them to have been registered at birth.

I don’t understand how an illegally introduced animal is afforded protection. Just like the mandarin duck aren’t allowed to be shot. If anyone could explain that would be appreciated.

I posted this in the other Lynx thread it popped up on my YouTube over Christmas, I never knew such places existed it's clearly a good money spinner.
Surely records have to be kept unless secret breeding are happening.