Nice pup , I'm trying the blue print method don't have the videos but watched what's available and seems to work. Was out tonight with the GWP pup now 8 months looking for a buck. Wind was against us trying to get into position to start stalking, pup walking about 4-5 meters in front nice and slowly, when a territorial Buck heard the dog walking through the crop , must have thought it was another buck , he jumped the fence and ran straight towards the dog , the dog stood still then the buck winded me or the dog and exit stage left. The buck ran into the gully crossed the stream and up the other side into the neighbouring field where he stood and barked back across the valley at us. The shot was about 120 meters from a seated position and the hit looked good, buck then ran into thick gorse. Pup sat at the shot and walked to heel to the strike site . Once on the scent he disappeared into the gorse (to thick for a tracking leash ) so loose . He then stated barking , I crawled into the gorse and found the buck still alive but imobile. Dog continued to bark at the buck until I dispatched it. Would have struggled to find it without the dog. On gralloch the shot was a little far back and had hit the liver but a great lesson for the pup his second buck.