fac application

  1. "Partners to be quizzed in new gun licence screening"

    Only in the trial phase at the moment apparently but thought it was interesting and worth having a read so thought I'd share it anyone else hasn't seen it yet "More than 5,000 applications have been subject to the additional questions since the trial began last year." When I was doing my...
  2. Seeking advice/clarity on stalking on uncleared land as a guest…

    Hoping somebody could clarify this for me please? So if somebody has a closed FAC which states they can only use their rifle on paid/guided stalks. Are they able to stalk on a stalker/guides permission if it hasn’t been cleared by the police? As the guide holds an open certificate, does he deem...
  3. Advice for a first time FAC application

    Hi all, I'm at the very start of my application for FAC and have already hit a stumbling block which I wasn't expecting. Wondering if anyone else had these issue or advice to offer. I've been out on a few stalking outings with friends when I lived down south, and got the bug for it all, then...
  4. .243 or .308 or maybe something else?

    I know this can be a very contentious subject and there isn't a right or wrong answer, but it's something that's been playing on my mind as I fill out the FAC... Which calibre should I be asking for. I'm very new to stalking, just doing the DSC 1, have been on a couple of guided stalks and been...
  5. Acquiring experience shooting foxes and rabbits.

    Hello all. Not sure if this is the correct section of the site but this appears the best fit, apologies if incorrect. Background information. (Based in Somerest). So I am currently applying for my FAC. My family are sheep farmers and they have about 25-40 rabbits in one of their fields and...
  6. Beginner Advice/How to start/Getting an FAC

    Hi All, I'm trying to bust my way onto the scene of Stalking, I won't bore you with my life story as I did have to do an introduction piece. In summary, I live in Central Belt Scotland just below Falkirk (for now, hoping to move into the Highland in 5/10 years job dependant) and am starting the...
  7. Doctors Fee for FAC

    Hi All , i have just received a letter back from doctor based in Peebles advising the fee for them to sign my Doctors declaration is £200 !! has anyone else been charged similar for this surely it cant cost that much ????

    Hi All, I am about to start applying for my FAC and wanted a bit of help/advice on the ammunition section of the application. I am applying for rifles in .308 .303 and .22 - what types of ammunition should I be applying for? I intend on using all 3 for both hunting and target shooting. Also...
  9. " Good Reason"

    I am looking to apply for my FAC and wondered if paid stalking is enough to satisfy the "good reason " requirement ? I have kept Booking confrimations from previous stalks and completed my DSC1 in May . Also as i am based in the Peebleshire area where it is prdominantly Roe /Sika what would...
  10. Grant application - Met police

    On the basis that it was useful for me to read about the process people have gone through I thought I would share a bit about my story (so far...) of applying for an FAC. I have spent the last 18 months or so getting everything in order: DSC1 and some paid stalks with the team at Jelen (highly...
  11. Essex FAC licensing

    Hi all, Not sure if this is the right place to post the question but here it goes and thanks in advance for any info. While on my first deerstalk, the stalker was surprised that I didn't have my own rifle/FAC so that I could practice shooting from sticks as this was the first time I had done...
  12. New Member from Oban Argyll

    Hi everyone, My name is Sean. just joined here as a member after finding a lot of answers i was looking for on google regards my FAC application and see its a great place for information. I have had a big interest in hunting and Deer management for years and get out stalking with friends...