Well-Known Member
So I’m now shooting a Bergara rifle in 6.5x55 se for all my stalking the rifle shot rely well out of the box here’s an example of a five shot group I shot some time back after a bit of load development. but then I got thinking about the trigger nice but not quite nice enough I didn’t like the amount of over travel and the fact that the shoe was a bit skinny. So started to look at a replacement trigger was drawn to the triggertech unit a drop in type trigger for Remington 700 and clones. They boast a friction less design with zero creep and adjustable wight from 4-1.5 lb .cut a long story short I ordered one a couple of weeks back was a simple job to change the triggers tap out the two pins install new unit five minutes job done. Straight away I could feel the difference adjusted it down to 1.7lb zero creep no over travel that I could detect plus a rely nice Stainless safety and shoe that felt rely nice and fits the finger well. So today I shot the rifle with the new trigger installed. Notice the target with the round dot five shot group withe the Bergara factor trigger. And the group with the square target with the triggertech trigger. The first shot to rite is me I must say I wasn’t expecting the rifle to discharge with such a lite touch on the trigger. Now I new what to expect i settled down and fired four more rounds I think the group shows what a difference a good trigger can make. Note the vertical string of the factory trigger to the clover leaf group of the triggertech trigger. So to conclude the triggertech unit has improved my rifle which gives one the conference to know that the rifle and shooter will perform well out in the field. Hope the forum members find this write up of interest enjoy the holiday period and happy shooting to all. would also like to ad that both targets were shot @120 yards with a 6x scope. SS
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