Remington Model 725 triple deuce


Evening all,

I inherited a Remington Model 725 in 222 from my grandfather some years ago. He was given it by his crew when his posting ended on an HMS and, I believe, it was a little customised. He has used it all around the world and I have some exotic antlers from his exploits. I have not had quite the excitement with it but have taken it out for roe (in Scotland) and Muntjac down south.

It's the Deluxe version of the 720/721. It is a fabulous rifle from a vintage era and as far as I can tell one of only a few in the UK, in fact a total of 1400 or so were manufactured between ‘58 and ‘61.

However, I’m thinking of selling it in favour for a more versatile 243. I don't get as much use from it as I’d like and I have a Rigby 275 which takes up most of my attention... I took it to a smith a few years ago along with the rigby to get them valued but he was pretty useless and didn’t know the first thing about either of them.

So, as it seems to be a slightly special thing (perhaps?), I have a couple of questions... does anyone have a sense of value and the best place/way to sell it?

Any thoughts and hints welcome!

(I am away at the moment but will post pics on my return)
I have a 725 in 30/06 , it is my main hunting rifle . A good example over here will sell for about $ 650 to $ 700 CDN , but the prices are steadily rising . I realize that Canadian pricing is irrelevant in the UK , but that's more than a near new used Tikka T3 sells for locally . Remington didn't make a lot of these and they've become a sought after rifle , a 222 like yours would cause a fist fight around the guys I shoot with . If it were mine , I wouldn't sell it , but that's just me . If it isn't your thing , or won't see any use , passing it on to someone who would enjoy it would be the right thing to do ............. even if it was your Grandfathers ( something that would bother me personally )

Thanks for the insight, AB! It may help to give a little more background... In the uk, you need good reason to own a rifle and if I find more use out of a 243 then I don’t think I’d be allowed that and a triple deuce. It also isn’t legal on the quarry I typically go for locally.

As for the fact it was my grandfather's, I agree, it has taken me a good few years to decide this - and I’m the only one in my family that shoots. But he wanted me to hunt and didnt want me to feel shackled to anything he passed on to me. As it is, the Rigby was his and I had it restored (took over two years and for more than I dare tell my wife!). It was his pride and joy, so I feel I have honoured his love of the sport with that rifle.
That is the problem , you are restrained in owning multiple rifles . If I had to choose , I'd keep the Rigby over the 725 any day of the week . I don't think you'd have to much trouble finding a new home for the 222 though . It's a classic cartridge chambered in one of Remingtons better rifles . If I wasn't on the wrong side of the Atlantic , I'd buy it off you . It would go perfectly with my 06 , that and I find the 222 a very useful little cartridge .

That is good to know, thank you - though I may also need to convince the Boss Lady! :lol: limited space and funds is another part of the equation, unfortunately.

I am keen, however, to gauge the value and where/how might be best to sell it. Thank you!
In the current climate, you’re going to struggle to sell the .222.

While there are a small number of people who go for vintage rifles, there really aren’t many, and it can take months and months (if not years) to sell them. Even then, they often don’t make anywhere near what you want. I would be very surprised if you managed to sell it for more than £200. You really have to regard it as a sunk cost: whether or not you keep it should not involve any financial logic.

Then, as said above, the Police will happily grant you .222 and .243 if you say fox/Scottish roe for one and English roe/fallow for the other.

So: if Management say 2 rifles only, then lodge it with an RFD and apply for a .243. It may sell one day. If Management are ok with 3 rifles, then hang on to it and apply for the .243.

Ultimately I’ve found that there’s no reason to hang on to a rifle you don’t use, even if there is a bit of sentimental value to it
I see you are in Oxford. So you will have Muntjac and or CWD somewhere not far from you. The 222 is legal for both along with foxes and other vermin.
I don’t have any Muntjac locally Scotland is within travelling distance. But fox suffices for “Good Reason”.
xBob the .222 costs nothing to feed for what you get for it I would keep it unless you can get good money for it . Lodge it with a RFD could cost you per month
Personally I would not bother with a .243 with the copper debate over stabilizing bullets in this calibre If they ever phase lead out . I would go for a soft shooting round like the Rigby a 6.5 x 55 or creedmore as my go rifle and keep the restored Rigby for best .
My advice with also having a 275 Rigby. The 275 will do everything that you want a 243 to do but do it better and with less mess. I have a 243 and a 275, and reach for the 275 most times. I also have a heavy barreled 223, but that's mostly for target work.

And for small deer and foxes a .222 will do everything that a 243 can do, but with less noise and less fuss.

I am at the complete opposite to Mungo re sentimentality. When you take your .222 out you are going for a walk with your grandfather. In the UK current market you would get very little for it as no collector value in Remington's.

As for the good reason - you have both on your ticket at the moment, so you must have good reason already. Save you money and spend it on stalking instead.
Thank you all for your thoughts and advice, it is really helping the debate here. Very helpful to hear about the Good Reason side of things.

For the sentimentality side of things, @Heym SR20 I do get it but the Rigby fulfills this side of things in spades and my grandfather wanted me to enjoy the sport and not be tied down by anything I might not use. In fact, just going out for a walk with a gun gives me that sense, bit corny but true!

My thinking, generally, has been to get a go to rifle that I can take out without too much concern for what I will find (I mainly have fallow and roe, followed by muntjac and even reds on rare occasions) and have the Rigby for best. I cannot do that with the 222 at the moment. Perhaps that is me being tooooo sentimental and cautious.

I have been tempted by the 6.5mm types but I have been offered a nice little set up for a 243 tikka t3 Hunter with mod, scope, and all the paraphernalia by a friend for £600, which I’m sorely tempted to accept as it seems to be a good deal from what I have seen. I had rather hoped that the Remmy would pay - at least in part - for the Tikka as there is a “one in, one out” policy from Management.

Your point @pendle about lead-free ammo is the greatest concern now. Are there any thoughts around 222 and the effects of lead-free ammo on energy and stability?

Also, any thoughts on threading the 222 for a mod?

Ps I might well post about the Rigby as there are a few things I need to get advice on there, too!
Thank you all for your thoughts and advice, it is really helping the debate here. Very helpful to hear about the Good Reason side of things.

For the sentimentality side of things, @Heym SR20 I do get it but the Rigby fulfills this side of things in spades and my grandfather wanted me to enjoy the sport and not be tied down by anything I might not use. In fact, just going out for a walk with a gun gives me that sense, bit corny but true!

My thinking, generally, has been to get a go to rifle that I can take out without too much concern for what I will find (I mainly have fallow and roe, followed by muntjac and even reds on rare occasions) and have the Rigby for best. I cannot do that with the 222 at the moment. Perhaps that is me being tooooo sentimental and cautious.

I have been tempted by the 6.5mm types but I have been offered a nice little set up for a 243 tikka t3 Hunter with mod, scope, and all the paraphernalia by a friend for £600, which I’m sorely tempted to accept as it seems to be a good deal from what I have seen. I had rather hoped that the Remmy would pay - at least in part - for the Tikka as there is a “one in, one out” policy from Management.

Your point @pendle about lead-free ammo is the greatest concern now. Are there any thoughts around 222 and the effects of lead-free ammo on energy and stability?

Also, any thoughts on threading the 222 for a mod?

Ps I might well post about the Rigby as there are a few things I need to get advice on there, too!

moderators - hate the bloody things. Unbalance the rifle, add unnecessary length. Have a decent length barrel and noise is kept under control. And for the number of shots with a rifle its hardly a concern. But i am in the minority here.

re 243 and non-toxic - only really an issue in Scotland where we have a min of 100g bullet for bigger deer. Plenty of good 80 to 95gn non- toxic bullets that will do the job very well. And in 222 /223 plenty of good 50gn bullets that also work.

243 works by high velocity and whilst it kills well it rather turns the insidecof deer to pulp. I shot a Roe buck just behind the shoulder with an exit just behind far shoulder at 100 metres with a 100g RWS Soft point bullet a couple of weeks ago . Diaphragm, liver and rumen all ruptured along with heart and lungs. It was if a granade had gone off inside.

with the 275 Or my 7x65r, i get a good clean hole all the way through, beast is knocked down dead but not huge hydrstatic shock that you get with high velocity. And get the same whether I use a 130gn non toxic or a 140gn soft point bullet.
I knew there’s a good reason I bought a Sauer 202. It’s easy to sneak a new barrel past “management” ;).
If you must sell it then threaded is definitely a consideration by most people nowadays.
I agree that moderators spoil the aesthetics of a rifle and do little for the balance either.
However I far prefer to keep whatever is left of my hearing and ear protection doesn’t remove all the damage making noise. The problem is the cost of threading and potentially Proof will probably outweigh the added value.

I have no argument against the .243 as you are not likely to be going to Scotland without a suitable rifle as you have another anyway.
I have changed to 6.5x55 but there’s more than just lead free bullets behind that decision.
The 243 with 1-10 twist will stabilize any known non lead projectile. I would keep the 222 if no no other reason that you have another connection to family.
Lucky you with that 275 Rigby will do anything you need done.
@Heym SR20 i would tend to agree on the moderator side of things.

There are definitely compelling arguments to stick with the 222. And of course a 6.5 something @Mungo and @Sonicdmb73 ! I’m sure one day I’ll need to ask you both the merits of CM vs Swede vs 260 remmy.

@Daddy The Skunk that is very helpful to know, thank you.and yes, I am exceptionally spoilt with the Rigby (and the 725!) though I could have bought something pretty special with the restoration costs! I’ll never get rid of it, if I can possibly avoid. It is an early 1900s so designed for standing shots over open sights and with the oberndorf action's height, it takes quite some getting used to but my word is it special.

Thank you again everyone, really loving the knowledge and community here!
@Heym SR20 i would tend to agree on the moderator side of things.

There are definitely compelling arguments to stick with the 222. And of course a 6.5 something @Mungo and @Sonicdmb73 ! I’m sure one day I’ll need to ask you both the merits of CM vs Swede vs 260 remmy.

There are no real world differences... CM is probably now the easiest to find new rifles and good factory ammo for.

And I know for a fact you’ve shot at least one fallow deer with a CM... ;)