Patches not going through barrel


Active Member
I bought a S/H tikka .223 yesterday and was going to clean it today after a borescope shown lots of carbon build up. I purchased Parker hale rod and the bisley jag to fit both in .22. I used Parker hale .22 patches but I couldn’t for the life of me get the patches through. I tried dry, wet and putting it on the jag at the top middle and wrapping it.

It would just not feed into the barrel at all. When I tried cutting in half it then went into the barrel deeper and I couldn’t get it back out so had to smack the end of the rod as gently as I could.

Even when cutting the patches into 1/4 of the full size it would be so so tight and barely get a good contact to fully clean the barrel. When using just the rod and jag it glides through easy and no resistance at all. This was done with a bore guide to.

I don’t have any idea other than blaming my inexperience or is it down to the wrong jag/ patch combo.

Any suggestions ? Thanks
Guess if there’s a massive amount of carbon build up it may jam the patch? Have you tried some solvent / carbon remover product (C2R, Hoppes, 009…)? Maybe a bronze brush to get it moving
I suggest using a nylon brush soaked in carbon cleaner to start with. Repeat pushing it through and it should start feeling easier. Then try with a smaller patch and see how it goes.
Another approach which I use to deep clean my barrels is plug the muzzle and turn it muzzle down, fill it all the way up to the chamber with bore tech eliminator and leave it to work for a few hours. Then do as Jelen has stated above. The cleaner will have softened everything up nicely and make the task easier.
Well that’s the confusing part as I used a bronze brush with ease and nothing much was coming off, I used a bore snake to a few times and soaked the barrel with wipe out and accelerator and let it sit for 30 mins
Another approach which I use to deep clean my barrels is plug the muzzle and turn it muzzle down, fill it all the way up to the chamber with bore tech eliminator and leave it to work for a few hours. Then do as Jelen has stated above. The cleaner will have softened everything up nicely and make the task easier.
I will have to try this I need some boretech stuff now I should’ve bought some when I had the chance when I was in the shop a few days ago but I thought it would be readily available local to me but it’s not. What do you use to plug it up? When I tried earlier with the wipe out, the bore guide didn’t help with the pouring of it down the barrel and ended up with half of it going onto the outside of the barrel via the front screw hole
Have you tried using a pull through ? What size are the patches in mm ? Something isn’t right unless you are in the several thousand rounds through it a patch should still go through.
Have you tried using a pull through ? What size are the patches in mm ? Something isn’t right unless you are in the several thousand rounds through it a patch should still go through.
Well I bought it second hand and no info really when it got borescoped by another guy it had some fire cracking and just a lot of carbon but nothing seemed too bad until I tried getting them patches through it… they are Parker hale 75 I believe
I will have to try this I need some boretech stuff now I should’ve bought some when I had the chance when I was in the shop a few days ago but I thought it would be readily available local to me but it’s not. What do you use to plug it up? When I tried earlier with the wipe out, the bore guide didn’t help with the pouring of it down the barrel and ended up with half of it going onto the outside of the barrel via the front screw hole
I use this kind of thing to plug the barrel ( Rubber Stopper Bungs Laboratory Solid Hole Stopper Tapered Flask 15 Sizes Hot | eBay )
but still have the muzzle stood in a Tupperware tub or the such to catch and excess. You’ll have to check sizing as the ones in the link are too big etc, but they’re just little rubber bungs.
I have exactly the same with my .270. No idea what the issue is, I just use much much smaller patches than recommended and it works fine
I always coat the first patch with a slippery lube that is sold as a bore conditioner.

I’m guessing your bore first needs a good rodding with the correct size bronze brush.

The brush I have is the right size but I was just doing passes with it instead of doing what I would with a shotgun and scrubbing as I’ve been told to avoid it ?